Moscow, Berlin
- RECLAIM, RECODE, REINVENT: Urban Art and Activism in Eastern Europe, English / Editor, co-author / Berlin, 2018.
- Делай Сам/а: Практики низовых гражданских инициатив (A guide of grassroots activism in ex.USSR), Russian / Editor, co-author / Moscow, 2018.
- Street Art Museum: Main exhibition catalogue. №1 2013-2018, English, Russian / Editor, author / St. Petersburg, 2018.
- Энциклопедия российского уличного искусства (Encyclopedia of Russian Street Art), Russian / Editor, co-author / Moscow, 2019.
The books available to read in the public libraries at GARAGE Museum of Contemporary Art and Ruarts Foundation, Moscow.
Check full list of my publishing projects here.