Freiburg, Germany

Original sculpture “Man is the Measure of All Things” (German: Der Mensch als Mass aller Dinge) was built by Wilhelm Gerstel on the intra-city border between old and new Freiburg in 1927. In 2017 clean/white/simple form was installed by me to highlight the contrast between two ideas of art and architecture.  

190 х 75 х 75 cm. 
Wood, screws, acrylic paint. Russische Kulturtage, which dedicated to 100th anniversary of the October Revolution. Commissioned by Kulturamt Freiburg.

Original sculptures of Homer and Aristotle has been build in 1915 by german artist Cipri Adolf Bermann on the central entrance of Albert Ludwigs University of Freiburg. 
In 2017 clean/white/simple form has been installed by me for making contrast between two ideas of art. Commissioned by Albert Ludwigs University of Freiburg. 

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